
ACHS James MacGinley Award for Australian Catholic History:

Applications close 31 March each year.

The 2023 award was shared between joint winners Scott McCarthy (for ‘Federation, Sectarianism and the Catholic Middle Class in Australia’) and Monica van Gend (for ‘Confidently Catholic: The Knights of the Southern Cross and the 29th International Eucharistic Congress of 1928’). Both were published in the 2023 Journal.

The winner of the 2022 award was South Australian scholar Jodie Vandepeer for her article ‘The Atelier of the St. Dominic’s Priory’. It was published in the 2022 edition of the Journal … media releaseCathnews storystory in The Southern Cross.


Dr Rosa MacGinley PBVM was an eminent historian of women religious and co-founder of the Golding Centre for Women’s History, Theology and Spirituality at the Australian Catholic University. The MacGinley Award was established by Rosa MacGinley’s family in honour of their late father, James, who fostered their love of history by reading to them as children. Prior to her death, Rosa MacGinley was a long-standing councillor of the Australian Catholic Historical Society. Building on the legacy of Rosa MacGinley, the Australian Catholic Historical Society welcomes applications for this prestigious award. Submissions may be a biographical, social, cultural, institutional, or political study of Australian Catholic history, which demonstrates originality, excellence in addressing its subject, competence in the use of primary source materials, and clarity of expression. The paper must not have been submitted for publication.

Full conditions of the $1000 award are available here.

A flyer for the Award may be seen here.

Applicants are to complete the ACHS application form and email it, along with their paper, to:

 by the due date, 31 March 2025. Enquiries about the award can be made to 

St Patrick's church in Sydney, NSW.
St Patrick’s church in The Rocks, Sydney, NSW.
Fr John Therry, early Catholic Chaplain
Fr John Therry, early Catholic Chaplain