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Australian Catholic Historical Society Inc. Program for 2025
The program is correct as of 8 Dec 2024 but changes may occur
Sydney Program
Location, time and contact: Sunday afternoons at 2.00pm (unless otherwise stated) in the Crypt of St Patrick’s at Church Hill [Grosvenor Street], The Rocks. Members and non-members are welcome to join us in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Attendance is free but a gold coin donation for afternoon tea is welcome.
16 February | Tragedy and farce: The Sister Liguori story | Jeff Kildea, historian of Irish Australia |
16 March | The 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam war – a personal reflection | Bishop Vincent Long, Bishop of Parramatta |
27 April | The Eighteenth Century: Low point of the Church | James Franklin, ACHS Vice-President |
18 May | Promoter of Kevin Lawlor biography of Archbishop Francis Carroll | Phil Billington |
15 June | On the Eileen O’Connor canonization cause | Jocelyn Hedley, chair of Eileen O’Connor Historical Commission |
20 July | The history and background to the Aboriginal Mass | Sr Carmel Pilcher and Fr David Orr |
17 August | On the 60th anniversary of Vatican II document of Relations with Non-Christian Religions Nostra Aetate | Teresa Pirola |
21 September | The Divided Heart of Catherine Mackerras | Patrick Mullins, historian |
19 October | Fragments of a Forbidden Faith: The Forgotten Fathers of the Council of Nicaea – 1700 years later. | Bernard Doherty, CSU theologian |
16 November | 60th anniversary of Vatican II document Christus Dominus on Pastoral Office of Bishops | Archbishop Anthony Fisher, Archbishop of Sydney |
Melbourne Program
Melbourne Meetings continue in 2025
Times and dates: TBA
Location: Yarra Theological Union Study Centre, Classroom 1. 29 Albion Street Box Hill. Time: 5pm. Contact: Dr Max Vodola. Email:
See also the program of the Brisbane Catholic Historical Society.

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