The Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society publishes articles and book reviews on topics related to Australian Catholic history. It has been published since 1954.
Those with access to university or state libraries can find articles back to volume 1 via Informit.
Articles and book reviews may be submitted for publication. They should relate to aspects within the broad spectrum of Australian Catholic history. Articles accepted for the Journal generally have not been previously published. They could include papers delivered to the Society. Lengths should be normally no more than 5000 words per article and 600 words for a book review. Articles submitted for publication should be factual and based on research; a paper based on a thesis would be appropriate. Nothing submitted for publication should be defamatory.
Different styles of footnotes are acceptable provided full information is given so that a reader could check the information. See recent issues of the Journal for an ideal style.
Most articles are not refereed but authors may request refereeing and refereed articles are so identified in the Journal.
Submissions for the next issue should be sent by late September 2025.
The editor of the Journal is Professor James Franklin of the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
The Journal was published from 2018 to 2020 by ATF Press but that arrangement has now terminated; see the agreed statement on end of agreement.
Enquiries and copy should be directed to
The Secretary ACHS
PO Box A621
Sydney South NSW 1235
Highlights of 2024 issue
Mary Elizabeth Calwell reviews Franklin and Nolan’s Calwell
Malcolm Mackerras reviews Mullins’ The Divided Heart of Catherine Mackerras
Highlights of 2023 issue
Cardinal Pell and Sir Gerard Brennan’s exchange on the primacy of conscience
Highlights of 2022 issue:
Michael Sternbeck describes the planning of the first St Mary’s church in 1821
Irene Franklin reviews the Autobiography of Mary Glowrey
Highlights of 2021 issue:
Damian Grace reviews Gerard Henderson’s George Pell, the Media Pile-On & Collective Guilt
Brian Skinner reviews Frank Brennan’s Observations on the Pell Proceedings
Highlights of 2020 issue:
Damian Grace reviews Keith Windschuttle’s The Persecution of George Pell
Tony Abbott reviews Anne Henderson’s Federation’s Man of Letters: Patrick McMahon Glynn

Earlier Journals:
tables of contents
(article texts are accessible free via Informit, using a Library card from your state library or a National Library card)