Timeline of Australian Catholic History

The ACHS Timeline highlights key events in Australian Catholic history. It is divided into three eras: To 1840, which sees the transition from indigenous to colonial Australia and the foundation of Catholicism here; the era 1841-1900, when gold rushes and Irish immigration brought a burgeoning Catholic population; the period from Federation, 1901-1950, with two world wars and the beginning of multicultural immigration, and 1951-2023, with Vatican II, the first visit of a Pope to Australia, and the canonisation of Mary MacKillop.

If you would like to suggest further items (or corrections) for the Timeline, please email them to

St Marys Roman Catholic Church, Warwick, Qld.
St Mary’s Catholic Church. Warwick, Qld.
Pope Paul VI with Prime Minister John Gorton on First Papal Visit to Australia, 1970
Pope Paul VI with Prime Minister John Gorton on First Papal Visit to Australia, 1970

The ACHS Timeline


To 1840

1841 – 1900

1901 – 1950

1951 – 2023