1901 to 1950

<- 1841-1900

1901Federation of Australia, Sydney celebration boycotted by Moran;
St Joseph’s Foundling Hospital begun in Melbourne
1902St Joseph’s Receiving Home, Carlton, established for pregnant women;
inaugural Corpus Christi procession at St Patrick’s Manly
1903Richard O’Connor appointed a founding member of the High Court of Australia
1904Second Australasian Catholic Congress, Melbourne;
Cardinal Moran resists papal decree on church music;
Australian Catholic Truth Society begun;
Annie Golding forms Women’s Progressive Association to agitate for equal pay
1905Australian Catechism inaugurated;
Third Australian Plenary Council;
controversy over compatibility of Catholicism and socialism
1906Large Melbourne meeting to protest anti-Catholic sentiment;
De la Salle brothers fleeing France arrive in Armidale
1907Church decree Ne temere generates conflict over mixed Catholic-Protestant marriages;
Catholic Braille Writers’ Association of Victoria founded
1908Harvester Judgment follows Leo XIII in declaring “reasonable and frugal comfort” the standard for a minimum wage
1909Death of Mary MacKillop, with her order having 1000 sisters;
St Columba’s Seminary Springwood opened;
Haberfield church the first in the world to be named after newly beatified Joan of Arc;
Third Australasian Catholic Congress, Sydney
1910Enforced resignation of Bishop Gibney of Perth after large financial losses
1911Death of Cardinal Moran; Michael Kelly appointed Archbishop of Sydney;
Catholic Federation formed in Melbourne;
Francis Xavier Gsell establishes mission at Nguiu;
Archbishop Kelly condemns the evils of mixed bathing;
Fr Archibald Shaw, the “wireless priest”, forms company to manufacture radios
1912Questions on the use of the cinematograph in church (more);
Archbishop Carr condemns girl scout movement;
first meeting at new national capital site of Canberra
1913Daniel Mannix arrives in Melbourne as Coadjutor Archbishop;
Eileen O’Connor and Fr Ted McGrath found Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor to help the sick poor in their homes;
Catholic Women’s Association formed in Sydney
1914World War I declared;
Ben Chifley marries in a Presbyterian church, incurring automatic excommunication
1915Fr John Fahey and Fr Michael Bergin SJ minister at Gallipoli
Eileen O’Connor and Fr McGrath travel to Rome to appeal his expulsion from MSCs
1916Catholic Women’s Social Guild founded in Melbourne;
Mannix a leader of the successful “No” case in the first conscription referendum;
Priest-architect Fr John Hawes begins work on St Francis Xavier church, Geraldton
1917James Duhig appointed Archbishop of Brisbane;
Mannix succeeds Carr as Archbishop of Melbourne;
death and huge funeral procession of Les Darcy
1918Completion of Beagle Bay Church with its pearl shell altar;
Special Intelligence Bureau investigates suspected Sinn Feiner Arthur Calwell;
opening of Newman College, University of Melbourne;
Fr Ted McGrath awarded Military Cross for rescuing soldiers under fire;
Nurse Annie Egan unable to receive last rites when dying of Spanish Flu;
Santa Casa holiday home for poor children opened in Queenscliff
1919Democratic Party founded in NSW; Knights of the Southern Cross founded;
publication of “John O’Brien”‘s comic poem, ‘Said Hanrahan
1920Democratic Party fails in elections;
Sister Liguori “flees” Wagga convent, leading to Catholic-Protestant controversy;
Melbourne St Patrick’s Day procession led by 14 VC winners on white chargers;
Royal Navy prevents Mannix landing in Ireland;
Archbishop Clune of Perth acts as mediator between Lloyd George and Irish republican leaders;
Dr Mary Glowrey leaves Melbourne for medical missionary work in India;
Fr Jerger deported for alleged disloyal statements during the War
first issue of The Far East magazine on the China mission;
a WA Christian Brother jailed for sexual abuse
St Patrick's Day Parade Melbourne, in the early 1920s.
St Patrick’s Day Parade Melbourne, 1920. (film)
1921Death of Eileen O’Connor;
Publication of “John O’Brien”‘s book of poems on rural Catholic life, Around the Boree Log
1922Publication of Eris O’Brien’s Life and Letters of Archpriest John Joseph Therry;
call for an Australian Catholic university
1923Central Catholic Library established in Melbourne as focus of intellectual life;
beginning of Br Henry‘s long string of successes as football coach at St Joseph’s Hunter Hill
1924NSW legislation to forbid the promulgation of the papal marriage decree Ne temere defeated by two votes
1925Silent film of Around the Boree Log (Part 1, 41MB) (Courtesy of the National Film and Sound Archive);
Catholic Evidence Guild begin outdoor speaking in Sydney Domain
1926Frank Sheed and Maisie Ward found Sheed & Ward publishing house in London
1927Work begins on Brisbane’s never-completed Holy Name Cathedral;
national Catholic pilgrimage to Canberra
National Pilgrimaage to Canberra, 1927
1928Crowds of half a million watch the procession ending the International Eucharistic Congress in Sydney;
Sydney University Newman Society formed;
Dr Rumble begins his 40-year radio program Question Box
1929James Scullin becomes Australia’s first Prime Minister of Catholic background
1930Maude O’Connell founds the Grey Sisters in Melbourne to help poor mothers with housework and respite;
Edward McTiernan appointed to High Court and serves for 46 years
1931Catholic radio station 2SM opened in Sydney;
Communist propaganda accuses missions of slavery and kidnappings
1932Joe Lyons becomes Prime Minister;
Olympic runner Jim Carlton gives up career to enter priesthood;
Conversion of Catherine Mackerras
1933Guild of St Christopher for police formed
1934Eucharistic Congress in Melbourne (newsreel);
Medical Guild of St Luke formed
1935Port Keats mission founded; Francis McGarry moves to Alice Springs and helps establish Little Flower Mission;
Catholic Social Service Bureau founded in Melbourne
Catholic pharmacists’ guild formed
1936First edition of Melbourne Catholic Worker newspaper;
The Grail women’s movement brought to Australia
1936-7Tension between Australian cricket captain Don Bradman and Catholic members of the team
1936-9Spanish Civil War divides Catholic opinion in Australia
1937National Secretariat of Catholic Action established, with FK Maher & BA Santamaria as leaders;
Norman Gilroy appointed Coadjutor to Sydney;
Fourth Plenary Council issues 685 decrees;
nuns undertake care at Derby Leprosarium;
Joseph Nugent Bull wounded while fighting for Francoist forces in Spain;
Transactions of the Catholic Medical Guild of St Luke founded;
Catholic Transport Guild formed
1938Aboriginal order of nuns founded in the Kimberley;
Opening of John Hawes-designed St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, Geraldton
1939Vienna Mozart Boys Choir given refuge in Melbourne when stranded in Australia on the outbreak of war
1939-45 World War II
1940Death of Archbishop Kelly (newsreel); Norman Gilroy succeeds as Archbishop of Sydney;
first annual Catholic bishops’ social justice statement;
foundation of Australian Catholic Historical Society;
Matthew Beovich appointed Archbishop of Adelaide;
Boys’ Town, Engadine, founded by Fr Dunlea;
Bishop Gsell replies to Communist allegations his mission has destroyed native culture
1941Whitlands utopian rural community founded;
Morris West leaves the Christian Brothers and marries;
Percy JonesAustralian Hymnal published;
St Pius XII Seminary, Banyo, opened
1942Three Australian Marist Brothers in Solomon Islands and an MSC priest in New Britain murdered by Japanese;
nuns imprisoned near Rabaul;
chaplain Fr Roche survives sinking of HMAS Canberra;
two priests and a brother killed in Montevideo Maru sinking;
Fr Pierce organises an escape from Singapore;
chapels built in Changi POW camp;
Bathurst Island mission warns Darwin of approaching bombers;
Catholic Weekly begins in Sydney;
University Catholic Federation of Australia formed;
Young Catholic Students (YCS) formed
1943Enid Lyons elected first woman member of the House of Representatives;
Dorothy Tangney elected first woman Senator;
Kalumburu mission bombed by Japanese;
French Resistance agent Bruce Dowding beheaded in Nazi POW camp;
Freedom newsletter begun as organ of “The Movement”;
Menzies supports state aid for church schools
1944 Catholic Social Studies Movement formed and B.A. Santamaria reports;
Death in action of war photographer Damien Parer;
Missionary Sisters of Service founded in Launceston
1945Fr Cosgrave survives bayoneting by Japanese in Manila;
Ben Chifley Prime Minister;
Arthur Calwell appointed Australia’s first Minister for Immigration;
Dr Woodbury founds Aquinas Academy in Sydney to teach philosophy to laity;
publication of Bernard O’Reilly‘s memoir of poor Catholic rural life, Cullenbenbong and of B.A. Santamaria’s The Earth Our Mother promoting rural settlement;
St Thomas More Society for Catholic lawyers formed;
Catholic Youth Organisation formed in Sydney
1946Gilroy appointed first Australian-born Cardinal;
Fr Murtagh‘s Australia: The Catholic Chapter and Paul Grano‘s Witness to the Stars: An Anthology of Catholic Verse by Australasian Poets
1947Calwell’s agreement with International Refugee Organization begins large-scale immigration of Eastern European Displaced Persons;
La Fiamma Italian newspaper established;
Cana Conferences for married couples and Pre-Cana Conferences for engaged couples introduced to Australia
1948Anti-communist priest Dr Paddy Ryan debates communism before a crowd of 30,000 in Sydney;
Hospitaller Brothers of St John of God establish first facility in Australia at Morisset;
Ruth Park’s The Harp in the South portrays poor inner-city Catholic life;
Cardinal Spellman and Fulton Sheen visit Australia;
Mgr Leonard establishes Catholic Youth Organisation
1949“Diver” Dobson hoax alleges connections between security services and Catholic authorities;
Fr Lionel Marsden, survivor of Burma-Siam Railway, founds Marist mission to Japan;
Defeat of Chifley government by Menzies, with Archbishop Duhig urging a vote against “socialism”;
First issue of The Majellan magazine for Catholic mothers;
Maryknoll rural community formed near Melbourne
1950Frank Hardy’s roman à clef Power Without Glory caricatures Mannix and associates, criminal libel trial fails to proceed;
Mannix apologises to Bertrand Russell

-> 1951-2023

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