The ACHS Council

The programme and activities of the Society are planned and managed by the ACHS Council. The Council is elected annually and consists of the following.

The Executive: President, Vice-Presidents (two), Secretary, Treasurer

Up to seven Councillors, who carry out a number of roles – including Archivist, Journal Editor, Newsletter Editor, Publicity Officer, Research Officer.

The Council from time to time may appoint Sub-committees.

Executive Members of the Society

Fr Brian Lucas

Vice Presidents:
Prof James Franklin
Dr Lesley Hughes

Ms Helen Scanlon

Dr John Scahill

ACHS Chaplain:
Fr Brian Lucas

Past President:
Dr John Carmody

stained glass window
St Benedict’s Church, Broadway, Sydney. Photographer Lyn Mills.
Fr (later Archbishop) Eris O'Brien, one of the Society founders.
Fr (later Archbishop) Eris O’Brien, one of the society founders.