General Correspondence, including membership applications and renewals, should be addressed to
The Secretary
PO Box A621
Sydney South NSW 1235
Enquiries may also be directed to:
Research on Family History, Parishes, Clergy, etc.
Individuals sometimes contact the Australian Catholic Historical Society to obtain information on these matters. While any inquiries are welcome, the Society does not maintain archives and does not have access to such information. Archdioceses, dioceses and religious orders maintain their own archives. The following are some extracts from and links to the Sydney and Melbourne Archdiocesan websites related to this.
Sydney Archdiocesan Archives are generally not available for research on family history. Sacramental registers have been microfilmed within the constraints of legislation and may be available for family history research at Society of Australian Genealogists (120 Kent Street Sydney), State Library of NSW and National Library of Australia (Canberra).
Melbourne Archdiocesean Archives: Information can be found on the following link:
For those brought up in institutions, the Find and Connect website is valuable.