Podcasts and Videos

Podcasts of ACHS talks

Mgr John Boyle, Domus Australia (Christmas lunch, 7 Dec 2024)

Patrick Kirkwood, The Guild of St Pius X in Australian liturgical life from the 50s to the 70s (and Paul Watt briefly on Gregorian Chant) (17 Nov 2024) (Susie Gore’s comments on Heydon family history)

Robert Cross, Monsignor John Hawes, Western Australian priest-architect (video) (jointly with English Catholic History Association, 21 Sep 2024)

Anne Thoeming, Catholic-mindedness in the Catholic doctor: The Sydney Catholic Medical Guild of St Luke, 1933-35 (15 Sep 2024)

Gerard Windsor, The decline of Australian Catholic intellectual life (18 Aug 2024)

David Hilliard, Crossing the Tiber: Australian Anglican clergy converts to Rome from the 1840s to the 2000s (21 July 2024) (slides)

Julie Thorpe, Sevenhill – a living archive (16 June 2024) (slides)

Brian Lucas, St Patrick’s Estate: Then and now (19 May 2024) (slides)

Stephen McInerney, A panorama of Australian religious poetry by reading it (19 Nov 2023) (timed log of the readings)

Peter Cunich, St John’s College: on the way to a history (15 Oct 2023)

Francis Campbell, Wise as serpents, innocent as doves: navigating a broken world with a Catholic purpose (17 Sept 2023)

Paul Collins, Resolving Catholicism’s dichotomies (20 Aug 2023)

Andrew West, Catholic culture wars (16 July 2023)

Catherine Thom, From taproot to rhizome: what you never knew about women religious’ lives, 1968-2008 (18 June 2023)

Patrick Kirkwood, “Milk of Paradise”: Reflections on family, Church and media, 1935-2023 (21 May 2023)

James Franklin, Catholic Action, Sydney style: Catholic lay organisations from friendly societies to the Vice Squad (16 Apr 2023) (slides) (text)

Edmund Campion, Can the Church change its mind? An Australian story (19 Feb 2023)

Anne Thoeming, An invitation from the grave: writing a biography of Herbert Moran (10 Dec 2022)

Bishop Shane Mackinlay addresses Catalyst for Renewal on 5th Plenary Council, intro by Fr Michael Whelan (13 Nov 2022)

Aquinas Academy closing celebration (23 Oct 2022)

John Potts, ‘Heavens below: Religion on ABC Radio from the 1940s to the Present‘ (16 Oct 2022) (slides)

John Luttrell, ‘Marist Brothers in Australia‘ (ACHS talk, 18 Sept 2022) (slides)

Helen Belcher, ‘Walking the synodal path of the Fifth Plenary Council – a reflection‘ (ACHS talk, 14 Aug 2022) (slides)

Darren Mitchell, ‘Anzac Day Sydney, 1916: an origin story: how the Anglican Church laid the foundations for Australia’s national day of commemoration‘ (ACHS talk, 17 July 2022) (slides)

Francis Campbell, ‘A place for faith in the public square‘ (ACHS talk, 19 June 2022)

Hugh Myers, ‘Historical perspectives from the newly formed collection of rare books and manuscripts at the ACU‘ (ACHS talk, 10 Apr 2022)

John Challis, ‘The Cathedral Folly: the origins of the 1960 plan for a vast “Brutalist” cathedral at New Norcia‘ (ACHS talk, 20 Mar 2022)

Susan Connelley, ‘Remembering Timor 80 years on: the Australian and Japanese invasions of Portuguese Timor‘ (ACHS talk, 20 Feb 2022) (accompanying images)

Odhran O’Brien and Colin Barr, ‘Catholic archives: are they history?‘ (ACHS talk, 14 Nov 2021)

Bruce Kaye, ‘Catholic New Testament research and the significance of the encyclical Divino afflante spiritu, and Vatican II‘ (ACHS talk, 17 Oct 2021)

John Carmody, ‘Wentworth’s dream of a secular University thwarted: how Sydney University became a decidedly Protestant institution‘ (ACHS talk, 19 Sept 2021)

Jennifer Gribble, ‘Biblical history in the novels of Dickens‘ (ACHS talk, 20 June 2021)

Paul Lancaster, ‘“Answering the call”: Sydney’s Irish Catholic doctors in the Great War’ (ACHS talk, 18 Apr 2021) No podcast, but available as powerpoint

Mark Dunn, ‘Aboriginal and settler interactions in the colonial Hunter Valley‘ (ACHS talk, 21 Mar 2021)

Stephen McInerney, ‘Les Murray’s sacramental poetics‘ (ACHS talk, 21 Feb 2021)

Ronald Perry, Alison Turner and Bryan Gray, ‘A quiet revolution in Australia: bringing home a practical response to “Vatican II”. Celebrating the life and achievement of the Institute of Counselling in Sydney‘ (ACHS talk, 15 Nov 2020)

Meredith Lake, ‘Under the skin? The contested history of the Bible in Australia‘ (ACHS talk, 18 Oct 2020)

Janice Garaty, ‘The Spanish Flu and its impacts on Catholic Church activities‘, (ACHS talk, 20 Sep 2020)

Paul Crittenden, ‘David Coffey, theologian of Spirit‘, (ACHS talk, 16 Aug 2020)

Paul Collins and Robert Gascoigne, ‘Pastor aeternus; 150 years since the promulgation of papal infallibility (ACHS talk, 19 July 2020)

James Franklin, ‘Catholic rural virtue in Australia: ideal and reality’ (ACHS talk, 16 Feb 2020) … (text)

Fr Tony Doherty’s ‘Priests I have known’ podcasts

Historical audio

Arthur Calwell interviewed on his lifeanother

Enid Lyons interviewed on her life

Cardinal Gilroy interviewed on his life and reflections on Pope John XXIII at the time of his death

1964 recording of McAuley/Connolly Hymns for the Year of Grace

Cardinal Cardijn speaks in Ballarat on work and the family, 1966

Cardinal Clancy addresses the National Press Club, 1992

B.A. Santamaria interviewed by Phillip Adams, 1996

Video lectures

James Franklin on Irish Australian Catholics: the tribal faith of a semi-enclosed community

Archbishop Mannix – a tribal icon, controversial prelate?

Jeff Kildea on Archbishop Kelly and the Quarantine Station Incident of 1918

Jeff Kildea on Where Crows Gather: The Sister Liguori Affair 1920-21

The Quiet Man (Fr John O’Neill), ACHS May 2020 presentation.

Sisters, Pearls and Mission Girls (documentary on Sisters of St John of God in the Kimberley)


Eucharistic Congress, Sydney, 1928  

Corpus Christi, Manly, 1931

Construction and Consecration of St Joseph’s Church, Busselton, 1933

Eucharistic Congress, Melbourne, 1934

Eucharistic Festival, Sunbury Vic, 1938

Fr McHugh’s film of the parish of Kilmore, Vic, late 1930s (from Kilmore Historical Society)

Archbishop Kelly, “Oldest bishop in world”, 1940funeral

Cardinal Gilroy welcomed home from Rome, 1946

Derby Leprosarium lab and orchestra, last 5 mins of Stuart Gore’s North-West Diary, 1948

Cardinal Spellman and Fulton Sheen visit Sydney, 1948

Mannix at Melbourne Diocesan Centenary, 1948

Australian Eucharistic Congress, Sydney, 1953

Mannix, aged 97, interviewed on his life, 1961

Funeral of Archbishop Mannix, Melbourne, 14/11/1963

A few seconds of B.A. Santamaria on Communism

Mass at St Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, Rose Bay, Sydney (1965)

National Convention of Priests, 1970

Pope Paul VI’s visit to Australia, 1970

Sister Janet Mead’s rock version of the Lord’s Prayer, 1973

Pope John Paul II’s visit to Australia, 1986

Stations of the Cross, Bathurst Island, 1987

ABC Four Corners on Veritatis Splendor and Contraception: George Pell, Bill Uren, Andrew Olle, Morris West, 1993

Mike Willesee investigates Signs from God, 2001 and The Blood of Christ, 2019

Sr Berenice Twohill recalls living through the Japanese occupation of Rabaul, 2003

Stations of the Cross, World Youth Day, 18/7/2008

Canonisation of Mary MacKillop, Rome, 18/10/2010

Cardinal Pell debates Richard Dawkins, Q&A 10/4/2012

In Bob We Trust trailer (Fr Bob Maguire), 2013

Cardinal Pell’s recollections of Vatican II and aftermath, 2016

Pell interviewed by Victorian Police in Rome (excerpt) … (full)

Different views outside the Victorian Court as Pell returned to jail, 2019

Cardinal Pell interview with Andrew Bolt after his acquittal, 14/4/2020

Mass for You at Home episodes

Stage and film representations*

The 1925 silent film Around the Boree Log dramatised “John O’Brien”‘s poems of rural Catholic life. (Part 1, 41MB) (Courtesy of the National Film and Sound Archive)

Still from Around the Boree Log, 1925 (courtesy of National Film and Sound Archive)

Excerpt from Ron Blair’s ‘The Christian Brothers’ (1975)

‘The Devil’s Playground’ (1976) trailerFr Marshall’s (Thomas Keneally) hellfire sermon

Doubts about God in Peter Kenna’s ‘A Hard God’ (1980)

A clip from ‘Brides of Christ’ (1991 miniseries)

Mary MacKillop excommunicated, clip from Mary (1994)

The 1999 Paul Cox film Molokai starred David Wenham as Father Damien (trailer; full movie)

Mel Gibson’s ‘The Passion of the Christ’ (2004) trailer

Bran Nue Dae’ (2010) trailer

‘MacKillop the Musical’ (2010) trailer

* We do not vouch for their accuracy

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