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Australian Catholic Historical Society Inc. Program for 2021
Sydney Program
Location, time and contact: Sunday afternoons at 2.00pm (unless otherwise stated) in the Crypt of St Patrick’s at Church Hill [Grosvenor Street], The Rocks. Members and non-members are welcome to join us in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Attendance is free but a gold coin donation for afternoon tea is welcome. While COVID restrictions remain, please register your intention to attend via email giving your name and contact details: . You will be sent the zoom link for the talk.
Enquiries to: Dr John Carmody, President ACHS:
21 February | Les Murray’s sacramental poetics: Les A. Murray (1938-2019) (PODCAST) | Dr Stephen McInerney Poet and Executive Officer, The Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation |
21 March *1:30 pm start | *1:30pm AGM; 2:00pm Presentation: The intimate frontier: Aboriginal and settler interactions in the colonial Hunter Valley (PODCAST) | Dr Mark Dunn Freelance historian and author of The Convict Valley: The bloody struggle on Australia’s early frontier (2020) |
18 April | “Answering the call”: Sydney’s Irish Catholic doctors in the Great War (POWERPOINT) | Honorary Assoc. Professor Paul Lancaster Menzies Centre for Health Policy, University of Sydney |
16 May | The Catholic clergy – prisoners of history | Fr John Crothers Formerly PP Penshurst and Peakhurst and author of The Clergy Club |
20 June | Biblical history in the novels of Dickens (PODCAST) | Dr Jennifer Gribble Hon Associate Professor, Dept of English, Sydney University |
18 July | Historical perspectives from the newly formed collection of rare books and manuscripts at the ACU | Dr Hugh Myers Special Collections Adviser, Australian Catholic University (Sydney) |
15 August | CANCELLED | |
19 September | BY ZOOM Wentworth’s dream of a secular University thwarted: how Sydney University became a decidedly Protestant institution (PODCAST) | Dr John Carmody President ACHS. Formerly UNSW Physiologist and music writer. Currently contributor to the Australian Dictionary of Biography and music lecturer. |
17 October | BY ZOOM Catholic New Testament research and the significance of the encyclical Divino afflante spiritu, and Vatican II (PODCAST) | Dr Bruce Kaye Adjunct Research Professor, Centre for Public and Contextual Theology, Charles Sturt U; formerly Master, New College, UNSW |
14 November | BY ZOOM Catholic archives: are they history? (PODCAST) | Dr Odhran O’Brien Archdiocesan Archivist Perth and Dr Colin Barr School of Divinity, History, Philosophy & Art History University of Aberdeen |
11 December | CANCELLED Annual Mass and Christmas Lunch |
Melbourne Program
Melbourne Meetings resume in 2021
Dates: 1 Mar, 7 Jun, 6 Sept, 8 Nov.
1 Mar: Matthew Beckmann on the Patarine reformers of 11th-century Milan
Location: Yarra Theological Union Study Centre, Classroom 1. 29 Albion Street Box Hill. Time: 2pm. Contact: Matthew Beckmann, OFM. Email:
See also the program of the Brisbane Catholic Historical Society.

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