March 11 (Includes the AGM and election of Councilors)
Vatican II as I experienced it.
Dr Michael Costigan. Formerly: Editor, The Advocate [Melbourne]; Director, Literature Board of the Australia Council; and Director, and Executive Secretary, Australian Bishops’ Committee for Justice, Development and Peace.
April 15
Some aspects of the Sydney Irish: 1850-1900.*(Changed title from that previously published)
Dr Damian Gleeson. School of History & Philosophy, UNSW
May 13
Memoirs by Australian priests and religious.
Professor James Franklin [Vice-President: ACHS]. School of Mathematics, and Statistics, UNSW.
June 17
Vatican II viewed from afar.
Emeritus Professor Paul Crittenden. Formerly Professor of Philosophy and Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Sydney.
July 8
Fifty years since the “Goulburn Strike”: Catholics and education politics.
Emeritus Professor John Warhurst. Formerly Professor of Politics, Australian National University, Canberra.
*August 12
*Reporting on Religion.
*Mr Alan Gill. Formerly Religious Affairs Editor, Sydney Morning Herald
*September 9
*Protestants, Catholics and Vatican II: The dying gasps of sectarianism?
*Rev. Dr Ben Edwards. Lecturer in Church History, St Mark’s National Theological Centre and School of Theology, Charles Sturt University, Canberra.
October 14
Good shepherds, sisters of charity, and the sectarian gaze: writing a history of Catholic philanthropy.
Assoc. Professor Anne O’Brien. School of History & Philosophy, UNSW.
November 11
Churches at War: then and now.
Dr Michael McKernan. Historian, author and former Deputy Director, Australian War Memorial, Canberra.
December 8 (Saturday)
Christmas Lunch *NOTE: booking is required. $45 per person. Email contact:
* Ken Healey, An accomplished speaker who has also been a writer, broadcaster and lecturer at NIDA. Venue: Mary MacKillop Place, Mount St. North Sydney. 12:00pm