Page Contents
This information is correct as at 4 December 2015, but changes may occur.
Sydney Meetings
March 20 *1:30 pm start | *1:30pm Annual General Meeting 2:00pm Presentation:Religious life: flight from, or race to reality? | Presentation: Dr Moira O’Sullivan RSC. Sisters of Charity, Sydney. |
April 17 | Remembering the 1916 Easter Rising. | Dr Frances Flanagan. Sydney Environment Institute, University of Sydney. |
May 15 | Dr Herbert Michael (“Paddy”) Moran – the contribution he made to Australian social history, and the disruption he caused in Catholic and medical circles in Australia’s inter-war period | Ms Anne Thoeming. Formerly Director of Research Services Australian Catholic University. Currently MA student (Macquarie University) |
June 19 | Some second thoughts on The Sectarian Strand: Religion in Australian History. | Associate Professor Michael Hogan. Dept. of Government and International Relations. University of Sydney. |
July 17 | Marco di Bartolomeo Rustici’s Amazing Adventure: How a Florentine goldsmith travelled to Jerusalem in 1448 and to Australia in 1998 and met two popes. | Emeritus Professor Nerida Newbigin. Dept. of Italian Studies. University of Sydney. |
August 21 | Divine Light: the primary determinant of the configuration and adornment of the church building | Dr Harry Stephens. Architect, Secretary of the National Architecture and Art Board. Formerly Senior Lecturer (Architecture) University of NSW. |
September 24 Saturday | ACHS CONFERENCE (Registration is required). | ACU North Sydney. Welcoming event on Friday evening 23 September: St John’s College Missenden Rd. Camperdown. |
October 16 | Killing Conscription: the Easter Rising and Irish Catholic attitudes to the conscription debates in Australia, 1916 -1917. | Dr Jeff Kildea. Adjunct Professor in Irish Studies. University of NSW. |
November 20 | Thomas More’s Utopia: war and peace in early sixteenth century political and religious thought. [2016 is the 500th anniversary of Utopia] | Dr Catherine Curtis. Honorary Senior Research Fellow School of Political Science and International Studies. University of Queensland. |
December 3 (Saturday) | Annual Mass and Christmas Lunch at Mary MacKillop Centre Mount Street North Sydney. Cost and booking details to be advised. Mass: 12:00pm. Lunch: 12:30pm | Speaker: To be advised. |
ACHS Sydney meetings are held on Sunday afternoons at 2.00pm (unless otherwise stated) in the Crypt Hall of St Patrick’s at Church Hill [Grosvenor Street], The Rocks. Admission is free and does not require membership of ACHS, but a donation is welcome. Enquiries: Dr John Carmody, President ACHS:
Melbourne Meetings
The Melbourne Chapter will meet from 2:00 to 3:30pm at Dorish Maru College on March 7th, June 6th, September 5th, and November 7th. The speakers and topics have not been finalised. Contact: Fr Larry Nemer. Email: