2016 Program

This information is correct as at 4 December 2015, but changes may occur.

Sydney Meetings

March 20 *1:30 pm start*1:30pm Annual General Meeting 2:00pm Presentation:Religious life: flight from, or race to reality?Presentation: Dr Moira O’Sullivan RSC. Sisters of Charity, Sydney.
April 17Remembering the 1916 Easter Rising.Dr Frances Flanagan. Sydney Environment Institute, University of Sydney.
May 15Dr Herbert Michael (“Paddy”) Moran – the contribution he made to Australian social history, and the disruption he caused in Catholic and medical circles in Australia’s inter-war periodMs Anne Thoeming. Formerly Director of Research Services Australian Catholic University. Currently MA student (Macquarie University)
June 19Some second thoughts on The Sectarian Strand: Religion in Australian History.Associate Professor Michael Hogan. Dept. of Government and International Relations. University of Sydney.
July 17Marco di Bartolomeo Rustici’s Amazing Adventure: How a Florentine goldsmith travelled to Jerusalem in 1448 and to Australia in 1998 and met two popes.Emeritus Professor Nerida Newbigin. Dept. of Italian Studies. University of Sydney.
August 21Divine Light: the primary determinant of the configuration and adornment of the church buildingDr Harry Stephens. Architect, Secretary of the National Architecture and Art Board. Formerly Senior Lecturer (Architecture) University of NSW.
September 24 SaturdayACHS CONFERENCE (Registration is required).ACU North Sydney. Welcoming event on Friday evening 23 September: St John’s College Missenden Rd. Camperdown.
October 16Killing Conscription: the Easter Rising and Irish Catholic attitudes to the conscription debates in Australia, 1916 -1917.Dr Jeff Kildea. Adjunct Professor in Irish Studies. University of NSW.
November 20Thomas More’s Utopia: war and peace in early sixteenth century political and religious thought. [2016 is the 500th anniversary of Utopia]Dr Catherine Curtis. Honorary Senior Research Fellow School of Political Science and International Studies. University of Queensland.
December 3 (Saturday)Annual Mass and Christmas Lunch at Mary MacKillop Centre Mount Street North Sydney. Cost and booking details to be advised. Mass: 12:00pm.  Lunch: 12:30pmSpeaker: To be advised.

ACHS Sydney meetings are held on Sunday afternoons at 2.00pm (unless otherwise stated) in the Crypt Hall of St Patrick’s at Church Hill [Grosvenor Street], The Rocks. Admission is free and does not require membership of ACHS, but a donation is welcome. Enquiries: Dr John Carmody, President ACHS:

Melbourne Meetings

The Melbourne Chapter will meet from 2:00 to 3:30pm at Dorish Maru College on March 7th, June 6th, September 5th, and November 7th. The speakers and topics have not been finalised. Contact: Fr Larry Nemer. Email: