2018 Program

This information is correct as at 4 February 2018, but changes can occur.

Sydney Meetings

February 18A maker of the Australian Catholic Story: John McEncroeEmeritus Professor Fr Edmund Campion: author, historian formerly Professor of History, Catholic Institute of Sydney.
March 18The bureaucratisation of Catholic schooling and the emergence of the Catholic Education Office                  Br Dr Kelvin Canavan fms: Executive Director Emeritus Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Sydney and Visiting Professor: University of Notre Dame and ACU
April 15
1:30 pm start for this meeting
1:30pm Annual General Meeting
2:00pm Presentation: The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse: Findings, implications, recommendations, future directions. Reflections from three senior members of the staff of the Royal Commission.
Mr Stephen Crittenden: Latterly: Lead Writer — Religious Institutions Volume; Formerly: Presenter, The Religion Report [ABC Radio]
Ms Maha Melhem: Latterly: Lead writer — Information Sharing; Formerly: Director Policy & Legal, NSW Children’s Guardian; Senior Lawyer, Australian Law Reform Commission.
Ms Anna Tydd: Latterly:Principal Policy Officer, Special Projects Taskforce; Formerly: Solicitor acting for the Dublin Archdiocese [Murphy Inquiry, Ireland ]
May 20Humanae vitae after 50 years: a retrospective panelProfessor Carole Cusack: Professor of Religious Studies, University of Sydney;
Dr Bernadette Tobin AO: Director: Plunkett Centre for Ethics, Australian Catholic University and St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney;
The Hon. Deirdre Grusovin AM: Formerly: MLC and MLA (NSW) and Cabinet  Minister.
June 17In search of Cardinal GilroyBr Dr John Luttrell fms(Life-member: ACHS) Catholic Institute of Sydney and Broken Bay Institute.
July 15Humanae vitae: The beginning of the end of Tridentine Clericalism?Emeritus Professor Desmond Cahill: Department of Intercultural Studies, RMIT University
August 19Catholic Social Justice and parliamentary politics.Senator Susan Ryan AO: Formerly: Hawke government Cabinet Minister, latterly:Age and Disability Discrimination Commissioner 
September 2
Not the usual 3rd Sunday.
Faith at “World’s End”: Father Angelo Confalonieri and the first Catholic Mission to Northern AustraliaProfessor Mark McKenna: Department of History, University of Sydney
October 21Their Eminences, an éminence grise, and ruffled feathers: the sometimes rocky voyage of St Patrick’s, Church Hill, within the Archdiocese of SydneyFr Peter McMurrich sm: Vicar Provincial and Archivist Marist Fathers’ Australian Province.
November 18In Paradise, under the sun: Francis McGarry and the rewards of missionary work in 1930s’ Alice Springs.Dr Charmaine Robson: Independent scholar and 2017 Australian Religious Fellow of the State Library of NSW
December 15Annual Mass and Christmas Lunch
Mass: 12:00pm.
Lunch: 12:30pm.
MacKillop Centre North Sydney. Cost, booking details and speaker to be advised.

Location, time and contact: Sunday afternoons at 2.00pm (unless otherwise stated) in the Crypt of St Patrick’s at Church Hill [Grosvenor Street], The Rocks. Admission is free and does not require membership of ACHS, but a donation is welcome.

Enquiries to: Dr John Carmody, President ACHS:

Melbourne Meetings

Monday 5 March. Speaker: Katharine Massam Topic TBA
Monday 4 June. Speaker: Graeme Pender. Topic TBA
Monday 3 September. Speakers: Max Vodola and Prof Jayme Anderson .
Topic: James Alipius Goold: A Baroque Bishop in Colonial Australia
Monday 12 November. Speaker and topic TBA

Location and Times: Seminar Room of Dorish Maru College, Box Hill. 2:00 to 3:30pm.

Contact Fr Larry Nemer email: